title: "Astronaut Mission Trends and Career Paths: A Journey from Nationality to Occupation"
subtitle: |
An exploration of astronaut missions over time, highlighting key periods of activity
across different nationalities, and the flow of astronauts through various career stages
from nationality, mission type, gender, to occupation.
author: "Steven Ponce"
date: "2024-10-02"
- "#SWDchallenge"
image: "thumbnails/swd_2024_10.png"
toc: true
toc-depth: 5
code-link: true
code-fold: true
code-tools: true
chunk_output_type: console
error: false
message: false
warning: false
eval: false
permalink: "https://stevenponce.netlify.app/data_visualizations.html"
linkedin: true
twitter: true
email: true
![Dual visualization showing astronaut mission trends and career paths. The left panel is a line chart displaying the number of missions over time, segmented by nationality (Others, U.S.S.R./Russia, U.S.). Notable events like 'The Apollo 11 Moon Landing' and 'The First Space Shuttle Launch' are annotated. The right panel is an alluvial plot depicting the flow of astronauts from nationality to mission type, gender, and occupation, highlighting key career paths.](swd_2024_10.png) {#fig-1}
### <mark> __Steps to Create this Graphic__ </mark>
#### 1. Load Packages & Setup
#| label: load
pacman:: p_load (
tidyverse, # Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
ggtext, # Improved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2'
showtext, # Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs
janitor, # Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data
skimr, # Compact and Flexible Summaries of Data
scales, # Scale Functions for Visualization
lubridate, # Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier
glue, # Interpreted String Literals
ggalluvial, # Alluvial Plots in 'ggplot2'
patchwork, # The Composer of Plots
gghighlight # Highlight Lines and Points in 'ggplot2'
### |- figure size ----
camcorder:: gg_record (
dir = here:: here ("temp_plots" ),
device = "png" ,
width = 12 ,
height = 8 ,
units = "in" ,
dpi = 320 )
### |- resolution ----
showtext_opts (dpi = 320 , regular.wt = 300 , bold.wt = 800 )
#### 2. Read in the Data
#| label: read
astronaut_db <- read_csv (
here:: here ("data/astronauts.csv" )
) |>
clean_names () |>
glimpse ()
#### 3. Examine the Data
#| label: examine
glimpse (astronaut_db)
skim (astronaut_db)
colnames (astronaut_db)
#### 4. Tidy Data
#| label: tidy
astronaut_db_clean <- astronaut_db |>
mutate (
nationality_grouped = case_when (
nationality == "U.S." ~ "US" ,
nationality == "U.S.S.R/Russia" ~ "U.S.S.R/Russia" ,
TRUE ~ "Others"
mission_type = str_to_title (military_civilian),
gender = str_to_title (sex),
occupation = str_to_title (occupation),
occupation = case_when (
occupation == "Flight Engineer" ~ "Flight Eng." ,
occupation == "Psp" ~ "PSP" ,
occupation == "Msp" ~ "MSP" ,
occupation == "Spaceflight Participant" ~ "Spacefl. Part." ,
occupation == "Other (Journalist)" ~ "Journalist" ,
occupation %in% c ("Other (Space Tourist)" , "Space Tourist" ) ~ "Space Tourist (Other)" ,
TRUE ~ as.character (occupation)
) |>
select (year_of_mission, nationality_grouped, mission_type, gender, occupation) |>
filter (! is.na (year_of_mission))
#### 5. Visualization Parameters
#| label: params
### |- plot aesthetics ----
bkg_col <- colorspace:: lighten ('#f7f5e9' , 0.05 )
title_col <- "gray20"
subtitle_col <- "gray20"
caption_col <- "gray30"
text_col <- "gray20"
col_palette <- paletteer:: paletteer_d ("nbapalettes::cavaliers" )[c (1 ,2 ,3 )]
### |- titles and caption ----
# icons
tt <- str_glue ("#SWDchallenge: OCT 2024 • Source: Astronaut database (tidytuesday 2020 wk 29)<br>" )
li <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'></span>" )
gh <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'></span>" )
mn <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'></span>" )
# text
title_text <- str_glue ("Astronaut Mission Trends and Career Paths: A Journey from Nationality to Occupation" )
subtitle_text <- str_glue ("An exploration of astronaut missions over time, highlighting key periods of activity
across different nationalities, and the flow of <br>
astronauts through various career stages from nationality, mission type, gender, to occupation." )
caption_text <- str_glue ("{tt} {li} stevenponce • {mn} @sponce1(graphic.social) • {gh} poncest • #rstats #ggplot2" )
### |- fonts ----
font_add ('fa6-brands' , 'fonts/6.4.2/Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf' )
font_add_google ("Oswald" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "title" )
font_add_google ("Quattrocento Sans" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "subtitle" )
font_add_google ("Quattrocento Sans" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "text" )
font_add_google ("Noto Sans" , regular.wt = 400 ,family = "caption" )
showtext_auto (enable = TRUE )
### |- plot theme ----
theme_set (theme_minimal (base_size = 14 , base_family = "text" ))
theme_update (
plot.title.position = "plot" ,
plot.caption.position = "plot" ,
legend.position = 'plot' ,
plot.background = element_rect (fill = bkg_col, color = bkg_col),
panel.background = element_rect (fill = bkg_col, color = bkg_col),
plot.margin = margin (t = 10 , r = 20 , b = 10 , l = 20 ),
axis.title.x = element_text (margin = margin (10 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), size = rel (1 ),
color = text_col, family = "text" , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5 ),
axis.title.y = element_text (margin = margin (0 , 10 , 0 , 0 ), size = rel (1 ),
color = text_col, family = "text" , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5 ),
axis.text = element_text (size = rel (0.8 ), color = text_col, family = "text" ),
axis.line.x = element_line (color = "gray40" , linewidth = .15 ),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line (linetype = "dotted" , linewidth = 0.1 , color = 'gray10' ),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank (),
#### 6. Plot
#| label: plot
### |- Plot 1 ----
# Line Chart
mission_summary <- astronaut_db_clean |>
group_by (year_of_mission, nationality_grouped) |>
summarise (num_missions = n (), .groups = "drop" )
# Annotations df
annotations <- tibble (
year = c (1969 , 1981 ),
label = c (
"Apollo 11 Moon Landing" ,
"First Space Shuttle Launch"
nationality_grouped = c ("US" , "US" ),
y_positions = c (43 , 32 )
p1 <- mission_summary |>
ggplot (aes (x = year_of_mission, y = num_missions,
color = nationality_grouped, group = nationality_grouped)) +
# Geoms
geom_line (linewidth = 1 ) +
geom_point (size = 1.5 ) +
gghighlight:: gghighlight (
use_direct_label = FALSE ,
unhighlighted_params = list (linewidth = 0.5 , size = 0.8 )
) +
# Annotations
geom_vline (data = annotations, aes (xintercept = year),
linetype = "dashed" , color = "darkred" , linewidth = 0.2 ) +
geom_text (data = annotations, aes (x = year, y = y_positions, label = label),
size = 2.5 , color = "grey30" , hjust = 0 , nudge_x = 0.8 ) +
# Scales
scale_x_continuous () +
scale_y_continuous (limits = c (0 , max (mission_summary$ num_missions) + 5 )) +
scale_color_manual (values = col_palette) +
coord_cartesian (clip = 'off' ) +
# Labs
labs (
title = "Number of Missions Over Time" ,
x = "Year of Mission" ,
y = "Number of Missions" ,
color = "Nationality"
) +
# Facet
facet_wrap (~ nationality_grouped, ncol = 1 ) +
# Theme
theme (
plot.title = element_text (
size = rel (1 ),
hjust = 0.5 ,
family = "title" ,
color = title_col,
face = "bold" ,
lineheight = 0.85 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 5 )
### |- Plot 2 ----
# Alluvial Plot
p2 <- astronaut_db_clean |>
count (nationality_grouped, mission_type, gender, occupation) |>
ggplot (aes (
axis1 = nationality_grouped, axis2 = mission_type, axis3 = gender, axis4 = occupation,
y = n)
) +
# Geoms
geom_alluvium (aes (fill = nationality_grouped), alpha = 0.6 ) +
geom_stratum (width = 1 / 4 , fill = bkg_col, linewidth = 0.4 , colour = 'gray30' ) +
ggrepel:: geom_text_repel (
aes (label = after_stat (stratum), family = "text" ),
stat = "stratum" , size = 3 , direction = "y" , nudge_x = - 0.3 , nudge_y = 1 ,
color = "gray10" , segment.color = "grey50"
) +
# Scales
scale_x_discrete (limits = c ("Nationality" , "Mission Type" , "Gender" , "Occupation" ),
expand = c (0.15 , 0.05 )) +
scale_fill_manual (values = col_palette) +
# Labs
labs (
title = "Flow of Astronauts from Nationality to Occupation" ,
x = "" ,
y = "Count"
) +
# Theme
theme (
plot.title = element_text (
size = rel (1 ),
hjust = 0.5 ,
family = "title" ,
color = title_col,
face = "bold" ,
lineheight = 0.85 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 5 )
### |- Combine the plots using patchwork ----
combined_plot <- (p1 | p2) +
patchwork:: plot_layout (
ncol = 2 ,
widths = c (0.75 , 1.25 ),
guides = "collect"
) +
# Labs
plot_annotation (
title = title_text,
subtitle = subtitle_text,
caption = caption_text,
# Theme
theme = theme (
plot.title = element_markdown (
size = rel (1.4 ),
family = "title" ,
face = "bold" ,
color = title_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 5 )
plot.subtitle = element_markdown (
size = rel (1 ),
family = "subtitle" ,
color = subtitle_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 5 )
plot.caption = element_markdown (
size = rel (0.65 ),
family = "caption" ,
color = caption_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
hjust = 0.5 ,
halign = 1 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 5 )
# Show the combined plot
#### 7. Save
#| label: save
### |- plot image ----
library (ggplotify)
# Convert patchwork plot to grob
# There was some issues between patchwork and ggsave
plot_grob <- as.grob (combined_plot)
# Save the plot again
ggsave (
filename = here:: here ("data_visualizations/SWD Challenge/2024/swd_2024_10.png" ),
plot = plot_grob,
width = 12 ,
height = 8 ,
units = "in" ,
dpi = 320
### |- plot thumbnail----
magick:: image_read (here:: here ("data_visualizations/SWD Challenge/2024/swd_2024_10.png" )) |>
magick:: image_resize (geometry = "400" ) |>
magick:: image_write (here:: here ("data_visualizations/SWD Challenge/2024/thumbnails/swd_2024_10.png" ))
#### 8. Session Info
::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}
##### Expand for Session Info
```{r, echo = FALSE}
#| eval: true
#### 9. GitHub Repository
::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}
##### Expand for GitHub Repo
[ Access the GitHub repository here ](https://github.com/poncest/personal-website/)